No Current Alerts
There are currently no Consumer Alerts, check back for more information.
There are currently no Consumer Alerts, check back for more information.
All MUD 208 customers have smart meters and are able to access their water usage data online. Once registered for an online account, customers can view usage and receive leak alerts. With this feature, if water is flowing continuously for 24 hours at a customer specified rate, say 10 gallons per hour, the customer is notified by a text and/or email that their household has a leak. Once a 24-hour period goes by with water flow less than the specified value, an alert is sent that the leak has stopped. After an online account is set up, a smart phone app will be available to access data from your phone. Here are sign-up instructions:
All MUD 208 customers have smart meters and are able to access their water usage data online. Once registered for an online account, customers can view usage and receive leak alerts. With this feature, if water is flowing continuously for 24 hours at a customer specified rate, say 10 gallons per hour, the customer is notified by a text and/or email that their household has a leak. Once a 24-hour period goes by with water flow less than the specified value, an alert is sent that the leak has stopped. After an online account is set up, a smart phone app will be available to access data from your phone. Here are sign-up instructions:
See the document below and visit the CDC and EPA websites for more information pertaining to your drinking water and COVID-19.
If you receive a letter from Harris County MUD 208 and you are told you are one of the top 10 residential water users, it is not a good thing. It means your household is using well above the “normal” average household usage of water in our area. Just remember the average household’s “leaks” can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, or the amount needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. There are several things you can do to make certain you do not receive this letter.
Basically, you don’t want to be on this list. Yes everyone for years has thought that water was always going to flow out of the faucet with just a simple twist of your hand. Luckily we are not living in California and yes we have had a wonderful, wet winter but we still need to always be mindful of our natural resources. We are just now experiencing a recovery from some of the worst droughts in Texas.
There are currently no District updates. Check back for the latest news of what’s going on within the District.